Our Halal Logistics Services

Halal Logistics Indonesia

HALAL LOGISTICS INDONESIA is one of pioneer, certified and outstanding logistics company in halal industry providing halal logistics solutions.
Halal Logistics Indonesia was established by a fast growing transportation group known as ATT Group to cater the needs of Halal Industry that significantly growing in Indonesia which 90% populated by Moslem.

Our Core Value


Upholding honesty and ethics in every aspect of our business.


Committed to providing high-quality services that meet halal standards.​


Continuously innovate to improve services and meet customer needs.​


Committed to conducting business in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner.​

Halal Certificate HLI​

PT HLI is a certified company that complies with international standards, ensuring quality and reliability in its operations. This certification reflects our commitment to delivering excellence and maintaining the highest level of customer satisfaction.